
Where I Think We Are and Where We May Be Going

At this time, too much to our collective horror, we are the unwitting pawns of the last listing sites. These sites, with their multi-million dollar advertising budgets and splashy television ads, suck all of the virtual air out of the room – leaving those of us with...

8 Resources You Must Consider if you Own or Manage Vacation Rentals

If you have one or a hundred vacation rentals, these resources may be invaluable for the success of owning, managing and guest satisfaction. We will be continually adding new resources and welcome your input in the comments. (Sea Dunes on Okaloosa Island, Beach Front...

How To Be Invited Back – Pet Friendly Travel Tips

For many of us, it’s not a vacation without our family pets. Although it is sometimes difficult to locate pet-friendly properties, more and more owners and hotel chains are beginning to realize that people who travel with their pets are an untapped market. And...

How Do I Get More Owners and Keep The Ones I Have?

  We all know that we survive in this industry through owners and guests. These are the two most critical components of vacation rentals. As vacation rentals continue to become more popular, the competition for owners is going to become more fierce. So, what do...


There are so many changes in vacation rentals today. We all used to rely on lead requests coming in from VRBO or Homeaway, and we would do our best to convert those. We also had the flipkey leads, leads. All of a sudden, those leads are drying up...

Property Manager Blogs

The Streamline Property Manager Blog is a great way to share ideas, tips, and tricks with each other about what's going on out there in the industry! If you have an idea for a blog, or would like to submit a blog please contact Michael Norde at...

Keyword Research Essentials

  This week’s SEO tutorial concerns the correct way to do Keyword Research, and how to use it to find the best keywords for your site and product! Top Things to Remember while Doing Keyword Research Create your Ideal Client, then create seed keyword ideas using...

Trust Accounting

Well, we have all heard this magical word right? Who hasn’t! As a property manager, you are often asked whether or not you are in line with the state trust account regulations. State laws in regards to trust accounting can vary quite a bit. This is going to sound a...

Top Recommended SEO Tools

“Think of your website as a car and you’re the mechanic… You can’t diagnose or fix the car without the right tools”. VLOG Description: This video blog post by Joshua Guerra, the SEO Director at BIZCOR, will cover the top recommended SEO Tools to help you rank higher...

By Property Managers For Property Managers

Finally, after years of waiting.....  I had a recent visit with a prospective client.  As you can imagine, we are asked many tough questions during the initial sales process.    This often becomes the real challenge with software, can it meet my expectations?  Many...