Learn to Delegate Before It’s Too Late with Andy Newman of Newman Hospitality

Jul 30, 2024 | Property Managers Blog

How to Delegate Before It’s Too Late with Andy Newman

In this episode of The Vacation Rental Show: How We Grow, host Lynell Gordon chats with Andy Newman of Newman Hospitality. Together, they discuss why you need to learn how to delegate, how Newman Hospitality has grown through playing, and the importance of knowing when to quit.

In 2014, Andy Founded Newman Hospitality, a Superhost on Airbnb and Premiere on Vrbo, where he has acted as CEO since. Today, the brand manages over sixty properties across Florida, New York, New Mexico, Virginia, and the Caribbean.


Delegate, Delegate, Delegate

Most leaders will tell you that you need to understand every part of your business to truly succeed. Andy is no different, he sees it as imperative that you get your feet wet in all areas, but emphasizes that this should only be temporary.

To him, it is crucial to learn how to delegate as early as possible. To do so, you need to learn how to trust others, train them in what works best for the business, and invest in their capabilities and future. By doing so, you will not only grow your business, but improve each of your employees’ individual achievements and skills.

To explain this, Andy uses the example of Newman Hospitality’s mantra — “A home for everyone”. Although this originally referred to the offering for customers, it quickly became clear that this also applied to their employees.

By working with the company, many of Andy’s employees have been able to get onto the property ladder themselves, buying their very first home and feeling a big change within their lives. All of this comes down to the culture that is created through delegation.

Andy explains, “It’s creating a culture where people feel that they’re connected, that there’s a sense of purpose, that this is bigger, and they grow with us.”

Playing Can Lead to Your Best Growth

Newman Hospitality has grown a lot over their ten years in business.

While a lot of this has come through conventional measures, such as digital marketing, Andy is most proud of the growth that has come about effortlessly.

To him, this is the growth that comes through ‘playing’.

“When you’re playing, you’re more creative. You’re more authentic, but you’re regenerating, you’re resting, and also you’re in your passion zone, you’re enthusiastic, so you can inspire.”

By allowing himself to be creative and try out new things, he has grown Newman Hospitality to where it is today. He claims that roughly 30% of the business has come from this approach, so it was clearly worth it!
So, to grow your business you need two key things: the ability to delegate tasks and focus your energy where it’s actually required, and a willingness to just play, and find new, creative ways to conduct processes and implement strategies.

To listen to the full conversation between Lynell and Andy on The Vacation Rental Show: How We Grow, follow the links here: